Sunday, August 26, 2007


For the first time in awhile, I had an entire weekend off. So I cleaned the house, and now can finally show off where Adam and I are living. After a few attempts at various furniture configurations, I give you the living room:

It's a nice living room, very bright and sunny. And yes, we finally bought a television. I've become a big fan of PBS in HDTV. This week I've learned about the building of the St. Louis arch, Mark Twain and traveling in Amsterdam. Gotta love public television.

Upstairs we have two rooms--the bedroom and Adam's office/my yarn and book storage room. And an interesting consequence of building a house on a hill, our garage. Enjoy a slide show of our lovely house:

In addition to cleaning, we visited the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla and attempted to attend a free concert downtown. The Flaming Lips were playing. The show was sponsored by Southern Comfort, and there was no charge for admission. We failed to predict that a free concert = lots and lots of people and ended up watching the early part of the show from the parking lot. Eventually though, enough people left that we were able to get in. Although a large part of the portion was the lead singer professing his distaste for the Bush administration, the music was good and certainly can't complain about free concert!

Today was more mellow. Laundry, grocery shopping and more PBS (today we are learning about Typhoid Mary). And next weekend? Adam wants to go flying.

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