So what is up next, now that I have some free time again?
Babies. Everyone I know is having a baby it seems, so my knitting is in full swing. I'll share pics as the gifts are completed. I know you miss seeing my knitting.
Travel. Adam and I are going to LA for Memorial Day. We needed a little vacation, and Wylie has a dog-sitter in the OC who loves to have him come visit. We're going to drop him off, swing by a baby shower, and spend the rest of the weekend in LA being tourists. We're also going to Arizona for a friend's engagement party in May. Rumor has it we will be the only caucasian people at the Vietnamese engagement ceremony. We'll probably be the tallest too...
Moving. We are leaving San Diego on June 14th. We're spending the first few days in Utah, visiting Zion and Bryce Canyon. Then we're going to work our way up to Missoula, visit my nephew (and Tom and Kat too, but honestly, it's all about the baby), finally returning back to Seattle around June 21st.
And something completely unrelated... I made my mom's friend socks for Christmas. They were very nice socks if I do say so myself:
We mailed them January 6th and by the end of the month they still hadn't arrived. I had given them up for lost (partly because the guy at the post office had tried to send them to Australia rather than Austria) until this week. April 29th, only 110 days later, the socks arrived. They apparently took a detour through what I'm guessing was Israel. Anyone know how to read Hebrew?