Sunday, April 29, 2007

Joey and Sugar

I realize I have not yet introduced you to the lovely dogs we are sharing our home with. So allow me to do so,meet Sugar (the brindle who poses so nicely for the camera) and Joey (going to town on the Nylabone):
They really are sweet pups. Sugar likes to sit on your lap if you are down on her level. If you are sitting in a chair, she will come put her head in your lap and just gaze at you until you pet her. Joey has really bad breath and sheds like no dog I have ever me, but he is also a very sweet dog. He enjoys leaning and eating sticks, but we are trying to distract him from eating sticks by providing him with Nylabones. So far so good. Joey loves Adam and food. Sugar loves everything and everyone. We will definitely miss them when our house-sitting gig is over, but I can honestly say I will not miss the shedding. How can they lose so much hair and still not be bald??

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