Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Work is keeping me busy these days... as are preparations for the holidays. We have family coming for various lengths of stay from the 24th through the 15th of January. And with the rest of the family spread across the US and Europe, we've been busy packing up gifts for shipping. But I'm still managing to make progress with my various projects.

Knitting--the sock is done. Unfortunately, the sock is destined for Austria and in order to ensure the rest of the gifts arrived in time, the package had to go off without the sock. But I sent pictures, and in a few weeks, I'll send of the completed pair. I love knitting socks. I think I may knit socks exclusively for awhile. They are the perfect project for me--take only a week, can have some fabulously intricate designs and are probably the most practical thing I could knit. You may all be getting socks for Christmas next year. Just fair warning. Here are some photos of the sock in progress, I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of the final project yet.

Running--I ran 5 miles today. Now those of you who run marathons, etc. may scoff at my 5 miles (of course I know you would never scoff to my face, you are all too nice) keep in mind, I am someone who could barely run 3 miles when I was in the best shape of my life. And since I haven't been a collegiate athlete for about 10 years now, the fact that I've finally gotten back into shape is a great accomplishment for me. I've even lost weight... despite complete failure in my attempts to eat less. It does seem I have lost a disproportionate amount of weight from the bust area while my hips have only gotten a bit smaller (so unfair!) I feel better, and even have muscle definition again. Sorry no pictures here.

And cooking, cooking makes me happy. I love how my cooking skills have progressed from the pasta and frozen Costco chicken breasts of my post-college years. In the last week I have discovered how easy it is to cook (American versions of) Chinese food at home. I found a great recipe for sweet and sour chicken, and another for General Tso's chicken. Although as my cooking skills continue to improve, Adam points out that I'm less likely to get him to take me out to dinner, because he likes my cooking. Isn't he sweet? If I could figure out how to take pictures of food and have them look like something people would like to eat, I'd put them here.

Tonight I'm making mac and cheese. I use a different recipe every time. Right now it smells fabulous. I hope it tastes as good as it smells...


Lou said...

I'm excited about doing the Shore Run with you this summer. My foot's starting to feel like I can actually start running again.


Anonymous said...

Please teach Emily how to knit a sock. Paula