Friday I go back to the wards. I'm on call the first night. And also on Christmas Eve. I think it will be nice to be busy again, but I've really enjoyed having all this free time. I've started a lot of different projects; since my mind hasn't been occupied with saving lives, I've found other things to keep me busy. Today I tried to get some of those other things finished:

Christmas cards and Christmas wrapping: the cards are done, and the first package is being mailed off tomorrow. Since I ended up doing all my Christmas shopping via this year, I'm still waiting for all those packages. They ended up shipping my last order in 5 different shipments.

Stockings: I made these years ago, but figure since Adam is in it for the long haul, he deserved to have his name on one.
Wedding stuff: we should be getting the save the dates out after the new year. We found a wonderful blog by someone in Seattle, and they will be providing the art work. I would show you what they will look like, but I'd like to maintain some element of surprise.
Knitting: I'm still trying to catch up with the baby knitting. The latest niebling arrived Monday, but his gift still isn't done. Plus I want to make hats for the older ones. Don't know if that will happen by Christmas, but I'm trying!
And a few other organizational projects (recipes, decorating, convincing Adam that it will be fun to go to Macy's and register for pots and towels) but all in all, things are going well. I can't wait for Christmas. The family is coming down here, so even though I have to work, I still get to celebrate because I can put them all to work cooking my ham and whatever the vegan-vegetarian-non beef or pork eating side of the family wants for dinner. And the corn souffle. Yum!