Friday, May 2, 2008

Hobbies and Other Diversions

I was in Seattle the last two weeks, working on wedding details and spending a wonderful weekend with my girl friends. At some point in the weekend, the topic of hobbies came up. My friends are all brilliant and talented. They garden and make their own salsa. They are gifted photographers and writers. They are competitive cyclists, and win triathlons (not just compete in triathlons, but WIN triathlons!). They are professors and lawyers and financial geniuses. Between us all, I think we've been to every continent at least once (except Antarctica).

There are so many things I enjoy doing, but I feel inadequate at all of them. I wonder if I just haven't found my true calling, or if I just need to devote more time to these activities in order develop my skills? Then there are all the things I wish I were good at. And how do I find the time to take on new hobbies?

I have knitting, which I love, but there are only so many knitted things I can make before everyone I know has a knit hat, or a pair of mittens. I now enjoy trying new, intricate stiches, trying different patterns, but not really making anything specific. I do want to try making socks. But I don't think I will ever design my own patterns, and I will certainly never get into spinning my own wool.

I also enjoy cooking. I'm not a very adventurous cook. I rarely deviate from the recipe. I don't trust myself. But I love the time I spend in the kitchen, chopping and stirring and mixing. And I love that Adam loves my cooking. It makes me happy. I wonder though, what it is about cooking that makes it a hobby and not a chore? I wash dishes every night too, and I do actually enjoy it, but no one would consider washing dishes a hobby. Would they?

And so many other things I want to be good at: photography, or at least figuring out how to use Photoshop. Gardening--I want to grow my own vegetables and have a little herb garden. I want to do another triathlon one of these days and I certainly wouldn't mind making that a regular form of exercise for me. I want to start playing my flute again. And I'd love to learn to play tennis and golf, but I don't think those need to reach "hobby" status. Just something to do...

Luckily, I have many many years of life ahead of me to work on my "to do" list. And my last day of residency is officially June 11th, 2009. I fully plan to embark on the development of my extracurricular activities once I am done with this ridiculousness.


Lou said...

Cleaning kitchens is a wonderful hobby ... it gives a sense of satisfaction at a task complete.


Kathleen said...

Your knitting is amazing! And I'm so impressed that you keep it up with your crazy schedule. :)

It was great to see you!

Unknown said...

I love your question about true calling, I have felt so worried lately that I haven't found what I am supposed to do, that I don't have one true passion, but at the same time, those things I enjoy doing, I haven't made a full commitment to and so I am not fully successful in them, and how should I balance all these things.
...and don't worry about sticking with recipes, that is how you figure out what is good and what flavors you love.

So good to catch up and connect. I definitely needed it.

Christine said...

I'm a little late with this comment, but I wanted to say that I too came away from the weekend thinking I have no hobbies! I think, "All I do is train for races... and I don't even do that many, how lame is that?" Ha! Anyway, I too cook but rarely deviate from recipes, so I think it's OK to call yourself a cook even still. Besides, I think any cook who adheres to recipes to the letter has a calling in a baking hobby. :)