Sunday, May 11, 2008


I have been delinquent in blogging. I apologize. Suffice it to say, I have been busy. I'm back on wards, which means I'm working 6 days a week, anywhere from 8 to 15 hours a day. The one day I have off, I'm usually running around all day trying to get all those little errands done. Lots of little errands manage to accummulate in the course of a week. In addition, I have a number of larger tasks to complete, including but not limited to:

--Research presentation tomorrow. The effect of SIRT1 agonists on insulin resistance and macrophage population in adipose tissue of rats. Is that exciting or what? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll make a fool of myself.

--My car needs a new clutch. Really this time. It no longer likes to go into fifth gear. This makes me very very sad. And very poor too. I suppose I'll get my alignment fixed while I'm there as well. *sigh*

--Dogs. Adam and I are going to a breeder next week to look at puppies. He wants a Viszla. They are cute. I'd like to have a dog.

--Invitations. I'm starting the assembly process. I've already gone through 3 things of double sided tape (and watched the entire A&E version of Pride and Prejudice). And that was just with the RSVP cards.

Things I have not done:
--cleaned. anything. in weeks.
--grocery shopping
--slept more than 6 hours in a night
--replied to any email I have received in the last 5 days
--gone to the gym in more days than I care to admit to

It's going to be a long couple months, but I'll make it through. And then, finally, it will be my last year of residency. The end is in sight! I think I'm going to make it! Thank you for your patience.

1 comment:

Christine said...

At least you got to watch P&P. That is key, even if you can't do anything else. :) And Katey and I are on the case with your invites... OK, Katey way more than me, but I'm chipping in where I can.