Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to Knitting

I think I'm in a rut. It comes with the territory. The details of my job vary from day to day, but for the most part it is always the same. The part that is most frustrating is the lack of flexibility. There's nothing I can do to get out of work early. I can't take one day off in exchange for another day. Holidays have no meaning. And even when I have a day off, I can't think of anything creative to do with that day.
I start off each day with grand plans for accomplishing long lists of things. Today for instance, I have a stack of thank you notes to write for all our wedding gifts, I have that 20 page application for Kaiser to finish, I'm making dinner tonight, I have a presentation to give at work some morning next week, I have laundry, I need to go shopping. But it is almost 5 pm and I have accomplished none of those things. I did go to the yarn store. It's been quite some time since I embarked on a new knitting project, but I finally felt motivated to pick up some new yarn today. There's a whole lot of babies coming in the next few months, in addition to some teeny tiny twins who made an early appearance and need some teeny tiny hats. And of course Little Bear provides a constant opportunity for me to make larger and larger sweaters as he continues to grow (speaking of Little Bear--if his parents are reading this, I would like new pictures please). So while nothing from my "to do" list has yet been accomplished, I've throughly enjoyed my day off and will just pend my to do items until my next day off. In 8 days. I miss having weekends.
But I keep doing what I'm doing knowing that it will eventually get me where I want to be with my life. And I guess eventually I will figure out where I want to be. Until then, I knit. I cook. And eventually I will get around to writing those thank you notes!

1 comment:

Lou said...

We are visiting Bear (and his parents) in a couple of weeks. I'm guessing Marcy may take a photo or two. We'll make sure you get some.
