Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things Don't Always Go As Planned

We were having a great weekend. We got all our errands done yesterday, I did some shopping and finally got some new clothes. I made dinner and had plans for enjoying my Sunday. I was going to go to the farmer's market and see if they still had Heirloom tomatoes. I was going to get fruit. I was even going to take some pictures so I would have something to post on the blog (I know I've been neglecting to provide you all with pictures to enjoy, but not much worth photographing since returning from Peru!). I was even going to go to the gym. I have piles of cooking magazines to sort through, I need to save my basil from the little green worms that are eating it, and I was going to put together our guest book from the wedding now that I have all the pictures.

But alas, things did not go as I had hoped.

At some point last evening, I began to feel a little unwell. I ate dinner, but about an hour later began to regret having eaten dinner. I was afraid I had poisoned us but Adam felt well. I recounted our day and identified the likely culprit as the taco I had for lunch. Damn taco. Things just got worse from that point. I will spare you the gruesome details, but suffice it to say, I did not sleep last night. And I have not been terribly functional today. Adam decided to conduct a scientific experiment to determine the exact cause of my food poisoning. He ate the left over taco and confirmed that yes indeed it was the taco. While I do appreciate his committment to the scientific process, I hope it doesn't hit him as bad as it did me.

Hopefully I recover in time for work tomorrow morning!

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