We switch rotations on Fridays. I don't know who thought this made sense... to start a new rotation on on Friday, then take two days off for the weekend, then start again on Monday, but that is the way it is. As of Friday, I started my 2-week stint as the overnight resident. I work from 8 pm until 8 am Monday through Friday. I'm back up for the overnight intern, and I do any admissions that come in after 1 am. It's not a glamorous job, and it means I could potentially go two weeks without actually seeing Adam. I won't sleep well for the next two weeks, because even though technically I should have plenty of time to sleep between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm, I have trouble sleeping when it is daylight outside. The worst part, however, was that I started Friday. I worked one overnight shift, then the weekend started. Not only did I have to make the switch from working a normal day schedule on Thursday to having to stay up all night Friday, but then I had to go back to normal day schedule for the weekend. Suffice it to say, it has not been my most productive weekend, but on the flip side, I don't have to be at work until 8 pm Monday, so it's kind of like having a 3-day weekend.
And what did I do with this long weekend? I made little pumpkin hats:

There is a whole collection of babies aged -2 months all the way up to 1 year who I think would look quite fetching in little pumpkin hats this holiday season. So I've decided to see how many I can make by Halloween. I have no idea what size baby heads are though so we'll see how they fit. I tried it on a box and despite the fact that baby heads are not square, I thought it looked cute.

I also made it to the Farmer's Market. My favorite part of the Farmer's Market is that everyone samples all their produce. So I walk up and down eating slices of peaches and plums and pluots and apples and tomatoes. Yum. I came home with some nice looking tomatoes (notice how they reflect off my very clean counters? Yes, I cleaned the kitchen this weekend too).
Tomorrow? Tomorrow I try to sleep in as late as possible, take a nap around 4 pm, and then back to work for an entire week of the night shift. But, at least I get my weekends!

OMG! Pumpkin heads are so cute! I think that everyone who gets one should have to send a pictures for you to display!
I'd pull out the eye covers and ear plugs they give you on the plane to help with daytime sleeping--Valerian is helpful.
I agree with Em....the pumpkin hats are adorable. Sometimes I wish I were still a baby.
Hope your tummy is better now.
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