Monday, October 27, 2008

On A Roll!

Three posts in three days!?! Madness, I know. But I wanted to share with you two recent successes I've had. First, I conquered the little green worms (aka Cabage Loopers) that were eating my basil. After I noticed all the leaves were being eaten away during the night, I did a little internet research about how to get rid of them. I read about a number of pesticides and thought, now why would I put chemicals on something I'm going to eat (don't ask how I justify eat food that *other* people have put chemicals on, I haven't figured that out yet). Instead, I followed one person's advice. I went outside every night after sunset and first thing every moring. I looked on every leaf, and pulled the little suckers off, throwing them unceremoniously to the ground. And now I have a beautiful full basil plant and ready access to fresh basil. As long as I remember to water it.
And finally... pizza. I successfully made pizza. The dough--from Joy of Cooking. How to keep it from sticking to the counter? First, flour. Second, don't try to make it too thin. And third, when you put it on the pan to cook, make sure you sprinkle the pan liberally with flour and cornmeal. It was delicious.
Maybe I'll post again tomorrow. I have some interesting thoughts on the current candidates' health care plans (they both kind of suck, but at least they are trying). And thoughts on this whole "food allergies are making me fat" phenomenon (it may be true, but body weight is a complicated issue, which is why I plan on studying it during fellowship). Then again, maybe I'll save these goodies for NaBloPoMo. Only 4 more days...

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