Sunday, September 14, 2008

Getting Out

Not only did I get out and go running yesterday, but Adam got free tickets to the Padres game, and since we have yet to go to a game this year we headed out to the ballpark. The seats were great--first row, right along the third base line. I couldn't really enjoy the game though. Besides the fact that the Padres pretty much suck, I was terrified I was going to get hit by a rogue foul ball. I forgot to bring a camera, but I did take a horrible picture of the umpire's behind with my cell phone.
Today I'm at the hospital all day and all night, but I discovered the Physician Libarary. It's a beautiful room with windows and couches. And best of all... at TV! Unfortunately I cannot find the remote control for the TV, and the channel buttons are all broken. It is stuck on Fox Sports, which is currently showing sport fishing. I've opted for my iPod instead. Maybe after I finish my presentation for tomorrow I will scour the room for the remote, unless of course something comes up and I have to actually provide patient care.

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