Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Baking

Another day off, so I set to work doing some Christmas baking. I always make the same three cookies.

Oatmeal coconut crisps :

Molasses sugar cookies:

Russian tea cakes:

This year I also tried a new one, peanut butter filled chocolcate cookies:

I ended up with 10 dozen cookies, now all packaged up to give as gifts.

I can't believe it is only a week until Christmas. The house is all festive, the gifts are all wrapped. It's really my favorite time of year. Here's a picture of our tree, with me trying to be artsy:

And completely random and unrelated, I saw this bird outside our house today. Anyone know what kind it is?


lola coca-cola said...

Those pnut butter chocolate ones look heavenly.

I think what you've got there is a Cooper's Hawk.

Ginna said...

Tracy, your food photography is outstanding! Mouth-watering--you did a good job with the cookies. I miss you, girl.

Lou said...

Save some cookies for me and Dillon!!
