Monday, January 12, 2009

Knitting, Again.

I'm sure you are all wondering, where are the puppy pictures? I'll get around to posting those on the other blog. I'm working on moving everything over there. Adam has given me permission to write about knitting and cooking and doctoring over there. And I just like the look of wordpress better, so eventually I will be retiring Free Time. Once I get the puppy pictures up over there, I will let you all know. Until then, more knitting. I'm loving sock knitting. It is so much more fun than anything I've ever knit before and the only thing I've ever knit for myself (other than mittens) that I will actually wear!

Starting the "falling leaf" socks

One sock, finished and blocked

Close up of the "leaf" detail
Sock, on my foot
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I have the day off today, so Wylie and I are hanging out. He's sleeping, I'm trying to catch up on all my "to do" list items. It's supposed to be 80 degrees today, which is just so wrong in January. I went running this morning, but it was a terrible run. I only made it about half the distance I had planned to go. I'd like to say it was too hot, but I don't think I can blame 70 degree weather for my inability to run more than 2 miles. I was going to make soup for dinner, to try to finish off all the leftover turkey broth I have in my freezer, but soup is not really what you want to be eating when it's 80 degrees out. Kate and Ben are coming to visit this weekend (yay!) and we're going to Disneyland (yay again!). It's going to be nice have weekends again.


Lou said...

How does Wylie like your knitting?


Unknown said...

Okay, I want to see the puppy pictures and I didn't bookmark where the photoblog was going to be and I want to hear it all! I hope he hasn't chewed up everything in the house! And I love the socks, I am terribly impressed. Mark's mom is starting to teach me to knit, I am slllloooowwww at this point.