Friday, January 30, 2009


There are times when doctoring isn't the horrible time consuming adventure it can be. Like this month. Right now I'm on rheumatology consults, which is actually very interesting. We have clinic 3 half days per week, and the rest of the time is spent seeing in-patient consults. However, there aren't many in-patient consults right now, so I've been hanging out at home in the mornings, working on presentations, doing reading, and playing with the puppy. I only live 5 minutes from the hospital, so the fellow pages me if I need to see someone and I can go in. It's definitely a nice change of pace.

So I'm trying to take advantage of this down-time to get my life in order. It seems like I'm always trying to get something in order. I don't know what I would do if I had nothing to organize. I think a part of me thrives on disorder. It gives me a purpose. In addition to organizing my life, we have some travel coming up. We're going to Connecticut in a few weeks for our east coast wedding reception, then I'm going to Seattle in March for a girls' weekend with Kate and Emily. After that I'm back in the ICU for a month, but then the home stretch... I can't wait to head back home again.

I leave you with random pictures and links:

My most recent socks, comepleted.
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Wylie's online photo album on PicasaWeb:

Adam's birthday, documented on the other website
My favorite recipe of the week: "fried" chicken

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