Friday, October 26, 2007

Pathologic Knitter

I think my knitting is beoming an illness. I cannot stop. I'm at work, and all I can think about is coming home and knitting. I'm at the gym, and I can't wait to get off the damn treadmill and come home and knit. That is of course assuming I even made it to the gym, and didn't get so caught up in my knitting that I just didn't leave the house. I can't sit on the couch without knitting. Poor Adam is poked in the side with needles while we are watching movies together. I've decided the problem is my inability to complete any one project before moving on to the next. All part of my ADD. Currently I have 9, yes NINE, uncompleted projects. And I'm working on all of them at once which is why I feel so compelled to knit at all times. My goal is to complete each of those projects by working on only one at a time, and then limit my knitting to Monday night knitting group. I need to reclaim my life.
The current projects (in order of almost completeness):
Pink baby sweater. Adam's sister is having a baby. We don't know if it will be a girl or a boy. This is the gift if it is a girl. It needs a button for the top, and then it is done.

Ivory baby sweater. This is the gift if it is a boy. This is the current bane of my existance. I hate finishing sweaters. See all those loose threads? I have to weave all of those in. I hate that. It needs edging, buttons and some cute little embellishments. I can't wait to see the finished product, but it's annoying me right now.

The Lizard Ridge afghan. This has been an ongoing project for almost a year now. I can't wait to finish it, although it's 100% wool and far too warm for actual use here in San Diego. Yet another reason I need to move back to the northwest. I'm very homesick right now.

A felted bag. I didn't buy enough yarn for this, so it is on hold until I come up with $30 to buy the rest of the yarn. Then it should be a quick finish, it's almost done. I don't know what I will do with it when it is done, it will depend on how big it is after felting.

Brown pullover sweater. This is from the book Fitted Knits, which I love because all of the sweaters are fitted, which is better than most frumpy sweater patterns that are out there. I started this in Austria, and it is a very fast knit. But I've realized, I don't wear pull over sweaters. So my motivation to finish this is waning.

Cream recycled cardiagan. This is the yarn I frogged from one of Adam's old sweaters. It's kind of a boring pattern, and I have more interesting things to work on right now, so it's been put aside until I run out of other projects. But as fall arrives (it's certainly not here yet) I may need a cardigan to wear around the house, so maybe I'll take it up again.

Multicolored baby hat. This is knit on tiny needles and takes forever to finish, and I don't even know if I like it. And again, look at all those loose ends! Finishing this will be hell. So I have hidden it in a drawer.

Baby blanket. Yet to be determined which baby will be the recipient of this. Depends on when I finish it, I suppose. Little needles, boring pattern. But I did enjoy making the little bear who sits in the pocket. I'll finish this eventually.

And finally, the black cardigan sweater that I've been waiting to start work on. I need a black cardigan sweater, and this is a very nice yarn. But I haven't yet gotten started. Someday perhaps...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! That totally could have been my post! I have been trying to figure out how to knit and go to the gym at the same time. If you can read a magazine on the treadmill, then how hard could knitting be, really?