Sunday, October 21, 2007

So Cal Sunday

Today was the quintessential San Diego Sunday. I slept in, enjoying every one of those 11 hours. Then Adam and I walked down the street to the neighborhood farmer's market. I've said it before, and I will say it again, I love that we can get fresh produce all year long here. In addition to the local produce, they also have a number of vendors selling everything from homemade tamales to handmade hats. I got my morning coffee from the local coffee roasters, and we bought some fish, which we are told was just caught yesterday (except the salmon which he flies in from Alaska). Tonight Adam is grilling the Ahi tuna, and on Tuesday we will be trying the yellowtail (which I mistakenly believed was also tuna, but I have been informed it is in fact a *cousin* of the tuna). I also bought the most beautiful broccoli I have ever seen, tasty Fuji apples, and some lovely heirloom tomatoes which I made into a tomato salad tonight. Once I get my camera cable returned to me (I has been located. In Seattle) I will post pictures of my lovely salad.

After I made Adam his weekly blueberry muffins (I like to play housewife on Sundays), we headed out to the beach. It has been unseasonably warm the last day or so, thanks to the Santa Ana winds, so we took full advantage of the sun for a little surf side smash ball. I perused my wedding magazines, while Adam researched our honeymoon. We stopped for tacos on the way home.

Now we are watching the Red Sox. We thought one of our neighbors was BBQ'ing, because there is an aroma of smoke in the air, but it turns out 8000 acres of east county is on fire (one fire to the north, and one to the south of us) and the winds are carrying the smoke our way. The Santa Ana's do make for a lovely day at the beach, but they do not help with fire fighting efforts and things are just getting smokier here.

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