Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Resolutions for 2008

I've never been big on new year's resolutions, probably because in years past when I've made them, I've failed to follow through with them, so they always seemed somewhat arbitrary. But this year there are actually some changes I'd like to make. And since Adam and I are embarking on our lives together this year, it seemed a good time to really try to change things.

1. Procrastinate less. I'm am a world class procrastinator. I don't feel it has really held me back in life. I work very well under pressure, and am most productive when facing a deadline. But I've come to realize over the last year that my tendency towards clutter stems from my procrastination. I don't put things away when I'm done using them, I pile dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher, I do my laundry but never fold it or put it away. Here's what I'm going to try:
- when I have a day off, get all my errands done in the morning
- clean up after myself
- answer all emails that require a response as soon as I read them
- open my mail everyday and either respond, recycle or shred it

2. Cook something new every week. I currently have approximately 200 recipes bookmarked on my computer, as well as 2 years worth of Cook's Illustrated and an entire pile of Gourmet magazines that the previous residents left in the garage. So many things to cook! I need to start working my way through these, and keep track of the ones I like.

3. Exercise. Those who did not know me back in my college days might be surprised to know I was once quite the athlete. I even did a few triathlons back in the day (not well, but I did in fact complete them). Now my rigorous exercise regimen is hindered by the quality time I spend sitting on various pieces of furniture while I knit. I do miss being in shape. I don't so much miss the exercise, but you can't have one without the other. So after spending a ridiculous amount of money on a pre-paid gym membership this weekend (it actually works out to be quite a good deal, it just required a big up-front payment), I'm going to try to be better about working out more than once a week. I'd like to run a 5K sometime this year. And one day I will again do a triathlon, because I love the reaction I get from people when I tell them I do triathlons. And how will I accomplish this exercise?
- no knitting unless I have exercised that day

If that's not motivation, I don't know what is.

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