Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Completely Unrelated Topics

1. Wedding pictures. Here and here. Enjoy.

2. I'm applying for a moonlighting job at Kaiser. I have about 20 pages of application to fill out in order to get privileges there. The most challenging is the page where they want my 10-year address history. I suppose I will eventually reach a point in my life where I will live in the same place for more than a few years. Currently we've been in this place for over a year. I think that is a record for me! But in 10 years, I have lived 11 different places, not counting the year I travelled throughout the west. I cannot remember 11 different addresses. So I started searching... old emails got me the last 2 or 3 addresses. But I couldn't find anything prior to 2005. Then it came to me!! Luckily I have been ordering from them since 1998 and they have the addresses from my last 10 years worth of orders. Again I wonder how we ever lived life prior to the internet.

3. I made pizza tonight, but still have some work to do on creating the perfect pizza dough. It was looking good until I pressed it out into the pizza shape, and realized it was stuck to the work surface. So I tried again, and ended up with some very very thin portions, but decided to forge ahead. Onions, tomatoes, cheese. Looked good, but I couldn't figure out how to transfer it from the counter where I had prepared it, to the oven where I needed to cook it. I managed to man-handle it in, where it is now cooking. And smells nice, and I'm sure it will taste nice. It is just not pretty. I will continue to work on this. Anyone have hints?


Anonymous said...

We use frozen bread dough for homemade pizzas. You get two. Works great! Terri

Anonymous said...

flour the work surface first? I've seen people use corn meal for this purpose (not sure why).

Italians tell us not to roll the dough as this will pop all the little bubbles of air. I guess that's why they throw it around. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I hear you about the address history! I can't keep track of mine anymore!

Anonymous said...


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Sara Smith

Christine said...

OK, I know I'm late catching up with your blog, but I find your pizza story *hilarious* so I had to comment, even though I'm late in the game. Anyway, that is EXACTLY what always happens to me when I make pizza dough. It looks pretty, but then I can't move it. And I swear and sometimes I cry and Alex gets mad because he thinks "Why is she freaking out over pizza??" Anyway, I sympathize. :)