Sunday, August 24, 2008


Finally we have photos!

Adam and I will be posting our travel adventures on our new blog. That way we don't have to repeat effort in writing posts, creating on-line photo albums, etc. It's an experiment, we'll see how it works. We'll still keep our own blogs as well, because I don't think Adam's readers will be all that interested in my knitting, and my readers? Well, I think they all read Adam's blog anyway so it probably doesn't matter.

"But," you may be complaining. "How am I going to remember to check ALL THESE BLOGS?" Well my friend, it is time for you to get yourself set up with a feed reader. I myself am partial to google reader, but I do have an unhealthy attraction to google. There are probably better ones out there. I like google reader though, because it is web-based, so I can access my blog list from any computer -- the hospital for instance. Good to know I'm reading blogs when I should be concerned about the well-being of my patients, isn't it? Well, that is why I have interns. They do the work, I "supervise."

Enjoy our travel adventures. And once the weather cools off, I will get back to knitting. And on the cooking front, I have discovered that left over rice makes excellent (and easy!) rice pudding. I might even say it's better than Kozy Shack. And that's saying something.

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