Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's Good Luck, Right?

All along we have been telling people: we don't need a tent for our outdoor wedding. It doesn't rain in Seattle in the August. But as the day gets closer, the weather reports are more and more confident that it will in fact be raining on August 9th. And we still don't have a tent. I'm sure we will figure something out. But those who are going to be at the wedding... be prepared to get wet. We'll keep hoping the weather forecast is wrong, but from I'm told, it is good luck to have rain on your wedding day. I'm just not sure they meant rain on your outdoor without anywhere to get out of the rain wedding day.

Anyway, I'm off to take Gilbert to his fish-sitter, and then pack pack pack. I've managed to get out of my afternoon clinic committments, so I'm taking an earlier flight to Seattle, which will give me some time to hang out with Mom and Kate before the craziness of the weekend begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about: ?

Want me to look into it?