Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Am White People

While I had seen this website before, I hadn't realized just how much of a white person I was until Adam pointed out that this list described me frighteningly well (although it is probably more accurately a list describing liberal white people).

Take item #28 for intstance: not having a TV. When he point this out to me, I said, "I miss not having a TV. I used to love telling people I hadn't seen the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy because I didn't own a TV." Hmm, guess I'm not alone on that one.

Items #1, #5, #36 , #46 and #44 are my favorite ways to spend weekends.

Item #60 is going to be my next car.

Item #54 is the only reason I am getting married (just kidding Adam! It has nothing to do with the gift registry! I am getting married because I love you! But the kitchen gadgets are a nice bonus!)

I have a strange love/hate relationship with #59. I'm a big supporter of childhood immunizations, especially after seeing a baby die from pertussis while on my pediatrics roatation in med school (and they no longer have thimerosal in them, which was the substance possibly linked to autism). I am also a big fan of immunizations for me, given my tendency to stab myself with needles and expose myself to blood borne illnesses at work (it's only happened once, but I have a stock of antiretrovirals now just in case it ever happens again). But my patients have to beg and plead and appear as though they are on death's door to get anitbiotics out of me (or have a culture proven bacterial infection), and I never take medications myself. I love the Neti pot though. That thing is pure genius.

And #67. Yeah. That's me.

I'm sure in some way, to some people, this list is offensive. But I find it hilarious. I'm such a stereotype.

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