Sunday, June 8, 2008


I love when my day off falls on a Sunday, because that is the day of the Hillcrest Farmers' Market. Adam is out of town this weekend--up in the San Juans on a sailing trip (and I won't pretend I'm not a little jealous). Today there was so much beautiful produce, I went a little nuts. Of course, there were my weekly strawberries:

Such beauties! So sweet, so delicious! And grown only 45 minutes from here. We have a ridiculously long strawberry season here, and I always have some cut up in the fridge. I use them for my "strawberry-sans-cake"--strawberries and whipped cream, without the shortcake. I eat that a lot. Probably more than is healthy.

The stone fruits are all in season right now. I wandered from booth to booth eating all of their samples: peaches, plums, white peaches. They were all so sweet and delicious, I couldn't decide what to get. But finally, inspired by smitten kitchen, I also bought some apricots:

Which after a quick 20 minutes, became this:
I also got my favorite fruit--Rainier cherries! Which I get to eat all myself, because Adam doesn't like cherries (and he's out of town):
And for my lunch today, I started with this:
Which, with a few tortillas and some cheese, became this:
It was a good day. Tomorrow, back to work. But it's only a short 8 days (and two call nights) until my next day off.
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lola coca-cola said...

So we'll see you at knitting?

Marcellina said...

Don't be jealous of Adam ... the weather here leaves much to be desired.
