Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again

Yesterday at 9 am, I walked in the door after a very long night in the CCU, went to sleep and woke up 4 hours later with the happy (very happy!) thought that I NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK.

This weekend I get a 3-day weekend. Three day weekends are always great, but keep in mind: in the last two months, the longest stretch that I have been away from the hospital is 42 hours. Having 3 full days, from Thursday 5 pm until Monday 8 am, all to myself, with nothing to do is going to be like a full fledged vacation! Adam and I are going to take a road trip to Santa Barabara on Saturday. The rest of the time... who knows. Maybe I will finally get around to delegating wedding tasks. Or maybe I will sleep. The world is my oyster (where does that saying come from anyway?)

Today I went running. This is the first exercise I have had in a month. I'm pretty sure my wedding dress no longer fits. I feel like a slug. But I can still run 2 miles. Very very slowly. One of my hopes in moving back to Seattle is that Candace will motivate me to do a triathlon again, and help kick my ass into shape. I need a little motivation. While I'm good at motivating myself to watch a lot of PBS and learn about the lodges of America's national parks, I'm not so good at motivating myself to be athletic. I miss that. What I need is someone who will work out with me, and then go get a drink with me. That I could get motivated for.

So what else is upcoming in the life of Tracy?
  • Three weeks of outpatient endocrine at Kaiser, I could get used to the life of a private practice endocrinologist!
  • Weekend in Santa Barbara. I'm going to try to get Adam to go wine tasting, he's going to try to get me to go hiking. Perhaps we can find a winery you have to hike to?
  • VH1 the Who tribute concert. Apparently Adam bought me a ticket, so we are going to L.A. next weekend.
  • Wedding in Seattle. Not mine. But Adam and I will be in town the weekend of July 18th, so if anyone wants to meet up for breakfast or lunch on Saturday, let me know!
  • Wedding in Seattle. Mine. Still not ready for this one, so those who have offered, I will be assigning you tasks soon now that I have time to recreate the to-do list that disappeared when we reinstalled my operating system.
  • Honeymoon! This I am ready for. Except for the fact that I still can't speak Spanish. I've been trying to learn with CDs in my car to and from work, but my commute is only 7 minutes. Can't learn much Spanish in 7 minutes.
  • And I'm sure there will be much more that I will feel compelled to share. I am also open to requests. So if you start to get bored with my content, you only have yourself to blame.


Lou said...

Ramblings from Dad:

1. The "world is my oyster" quote comes from Shakespeare's only comedy set in England, The Merry Wives of Windsor:

Why, then the world's mine oyster,
Which I with sword will open.
(2.2.3-4), Pistol to Falstaff

No, I didn't know this off the top of my head.

2. Looking forward to seeing you at Becky's wedding.

3. It's very odd having my children attending a tribute concert to a group (The Who) I saw in concert 40 years ago. Someone here is getting old! Of course, you remember driving around with me when I'd say "Who sings this song" - not as a question.

Love, Dad

Unknown said...

So are we doing brunch on Saturday morning in Madrona? Mark and I are driving over to the east side of the Cascades later that afternoon but would love to see you guys before we go. I hope you had a fabulous weekend to yourself!