Thursday, July 31, 2008

One Week To Go...

In just over one week I will officially be... well, I will still be Dr. Tracy Susan Tylee. Yeah, the whole marriage thing is somewhat anti-climactic if you aren't changing your name. I play with the idea, as long as I get to keep my last name. I worked long and hard to be Dr. Tylee, and I am not ready to give that up. I am willing to consider Tracy Susan Silberfein Tylee however. It meets my requirements: 1. can still be Dr. Tylee, 2. can just leave off the Tylee if I want to be Mrs. Silberfein, and can have a secret life that my patients won't know about and 3. my initials would still be palindromic. Quite honestly, it really depends on how much of a hassle it is to legally change my name.

In other news, well, there is no other news. Programs are coming along. I sent Adam on a wedding favor errand today, so I'm putting those together now. While drinking margaritas. I do love me a good margarita. I'm getting more and more excited about the wedding as the day approaches. I look forward to the rehearsal dinner, and the chance to hang out with my original family and my new family, and for everyone to spend some time getting to know each other. I'm excited about breakfast with my bridesmaids (at least with Kate and Emily) and my day of pampering before the rehearsal dinner. I can't wait to see how the wedding goes, and can't wait for the after-party at Kate's where I can take off those stupid (although incredibly cute) shoes and hang out with everyone drinking ALL THAT BEER (we have ordered a lot of beer). And the brunch on Sunday will be fabulous because it will be my family and friends and Top Pot Donuts.

So those of you who will be there next weekend, I can't wait to see you! And those of you who won't, let me know and I'll send you pictures! My margarita awaits.... hmm... I think I need to send Adam to the store for more limes.


Shell said...

Well, I got married 4 years ago today, and STILL haven't changed my name with the feds. If that give you any idea how easy it is to be lazy about the name changing thing. (Though somehow the state let me change my name on my drivers license).

Anonymous said...

my advice is to go with TSST. that way you can be dr. tylee but still use silberfein when you want to. I too like the fact that my patients can't find me. though it has caused some confusion in my life. my license is in sobolewski, as is all other legal documents. as I mentioned, all federal documents must now match. I had never changed my SS card.