Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Good

Since yesterday's entry detailed what I missed about Seattle, I
figured San Diego deserved to hear what it is I like about being here.
It will never quite live up to home. There's something about that
place you call home, the sentimentality of it, that leads you to see
all the good, and forget the bad. You idealize it and maybe you forget
that there were some parts that you didn't like, some things that this
new place has, that you actually like. San Diego is a pretty nice
place to spend a few years.
1. I love driving here. The freeways are fabulous. If I ever get stuck
in traffic, it is for about 5 minutes between where I get on the
freeway in La Jolla and the cut off for the 52. That's it. The rest of
the time, I get to drive 70. For those not familiar with Seattle
traffic, there I would get excited about driving 40. Woo hoo! Speed!
2. I love the beach. I don't spend as much time there as I should, but
sitting on the sand, listening to the waves, reading my trashy
magazines--there is something in the salt air that is so relaxing.
3. the Farmers Market. I have told of my love affair with produce
before, but it bears repeating. I will miss the fresh produce if I
ever leave here. It makes it so easy for me to eat the way I would
like to, with fresh local produce, eating what is in season.
4. Outdoor malls. The novelty of shopping outdoors still hasn't worn off.
5. Knitting. While the yarn stores here leave a bit to be desire, I do
enjoy my knitting. I have my Monday knitting group which makes me
happy. While I am the only one in the group without a child (I pride
myself on being the one outsider who has stuck around) I never feel
left out of the conversation. They are all very interesting women, who
I never would have met otherwise. I look forward to that each week.
Partly because of the fabulous bread pudding they make at the coffee
shop where we meet, but mainly because of the company.
6. Peets. My favorite coffee. There's one on the way to both
hospitals. So I can always get my fix.
So I am happy here, I just miss home.

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