Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm Hooked

I worked a half day today (it being Friday and the post-doc I work with needing to go drink beer and all), and while at home I was searching Netflix for something to watch while I sorted through my mail and yes, knitted (I'm down to one project at a time, I think that is progress). Netflix has a nice feature akin to on demand movies on cable. They have a selection of movies dubbed "watch instantly." For every dollar you spend on your monthly membership, you get one hour of online movie watching. Searching through the listings, I saw they had the season one DVD of Heroes. Little did I know...

Seven hours later, after using up all my allotted hours, and hacking into Adam's Netflix account to steal some of his hours, I'm two episodes away from the end. I had no idea what I was missing out on, not having a TV for the last year and a half. This is where Adam accuses me of being a couch potato and threatens to take the TV away. I'll have you know, I multi-tasked. While watching TV and knitting, I sorted through my mail, read medical journals and wrote my personal statement for my fellowship applications. All while sitting on the *floor* which I think disqualifies me from couch potato-dom. I also took a break to go running. Couch potatoes most definitely do not go running.

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