Friday, November 23, 2007

The Limits of Blogging

I only wish I could blog smells. Right now I am making onion soup and baking homemade rolls. It smells fabulously wonderful in here. And the pictures just don't do it justice, given the horrible job my camera does with indoor lighting.

Another lazy day. In addition to doing my part to ensure that the middle cushion on our couch has a permanent impression of my butt, I cleaned the downstairs of our house thoroughly. It sparkles. I went running. And I made things!
The aforementioned onion soup and rolls, which I enjoyed making so much, I am now inspired to make Christmas dinner for my family this year (make is an exageration--I'll likely order a ham from Whole Foods, but given my family's various dietary restrictions, I'm guessing I'll be the only one eating it). While dinner was tasty, I do have to say, vegetarian French onion soup is lacking a bit. I miss that beef stock-y goodness. I also missed the cheese, but I don't have any oven-proof bowls so wouldn't be able to broil the cheese anyway (this, Adam, is why oven-proof everyday dishes are important!):And I started a new baby blanket to repalce the disasterous one:Tomorrow and Sunday I have to work. Tomorrow should be a short day, but I have to take overnight call on Sunday. Ah well, the "vacation" was good while it lasted.

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