Tuesday, November 13, 2007

So Old.

Today I turn 32. Yes, I am old. Thirty-one didn't really phase me. I mostly thought it was funny, because I just didn't believe it myself. But now that I am 32, I am starting to feel old. Perhaps it is the lack of excitement surrounding my birthday. Birthdays were the highlight of my year in elementary school. It meant you got to bring cupcakes to school and you were the center of attention for 15 minutes that afternoon. You got to have a party where all your friends came over and brought you gifts. And more cake. In high school, there weren't anymore presents, but you still got to hang out with all your friends, you were the center of attention for the day, and of course, cake. For awhile, as an adult, I still would celebrate with friends. One morning my friends at school all woke me up at 7 am and took me out to breakfast before class. My 30th birthday was fabulous. Adam and Michelle conspired to take me on a scavenger hunt throughout Seattle, culminating at my favorite restaurant where all my friends and family were waiting. And a cake. While birthdays are still nice, I get phone calls from my family and Adam always does something nice, it's much less magical. It's just another day. I hope there is birthday cake at least. I do still look forward to the birthday cake.


lola coca-cola said...

why can't birthdays stay magical????? i am always disappointed when they aren't as magical as i remember, when will I learn?

Anonymous said...

You left out an important era -- remember junior high? When it was all about the balloons and the decorated locker on your birthday? Being summoned to the office to pick up your flower delivery, then carrying your loot from class to class so no one, no one could ever pretend they didn't know it was a special day.

32 is not old! I will make you birthday cake when you are back in Seattle!