Thursday, November 1, 2007

They're back!!

Damn egg nog lattes. Guess it's time to finally schedule those trainer sessions at the gym...

In other news, it is NaBloPoMo (aka national blog posting month). While I'm fairly certain I will fail to post every day in November (largely due to the fact that I will be out of town next weekend), I'm always up for a challenge. Especially if there are prizes involved!


Roam2Rome said...

...but we try to post every day, don't we :) Good luck with NaBloPoMo!

Noel Hastings said...

Posting every day! I will do my best but fear I too shall fail. But that is okay...I am in medical school still and I am practiced and comfortable with failing at things....

Luckily, egg nog lattes take the sting out of it!