Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wedding Planning

With only the invitations and the details of decorating left, we've been focusing our efforts on the honeymoon. We initially thought we would go to Alaska. But we keep thinking we should do something more exotic. We've tossed around lots of ideas: Tahiti, Cook Islands, Norway, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, the Phillipines, Japan, Croatia and Turkey. I was initally pushing for Thailand until we realized it would be the rainy season in August. Last night Adam came up with the winner however... Peru. We've spent the last day trying to figure out how to use frequent flyer miles in order to get a business class ticket to Lima, but despite our multiple miles on multiple airlines, we've been unsuccessful so far. The closest we could get is a ticket on LAN Chile, but that could only get us to Lima. No way home.

So we'll keep trying. Apparently seats can open up at anytime, so we'll call the Alaska Airlines ticket desk every day until we can get the flights we want. Or until they get so sick of us, they just find seats for us so we will stop calling. And now my favorite part of any vacation... planning! I love planning vacations. It is almost more fun than the vacation itself. Almost.


lola coca-cola said...

Often if you tell them you are on their honeymoon and there is room in business class they will comp it for you. We flew home from Japan on business that way. It's not guaranteed, but a possibility. Oh, and did you know I was born in Peru?

lola coca-cola said...

umm, on your honeymoon, not their honeymoon. you knew what I meant,right?