Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This is California?

If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was in Seattle right now.
Looking out the window, we have typical Seattle November weather.
Cloudy. Cool. Damp. It might even be raining, I can't tell from this
angle. The only difference is I know this is temporary. San Diego will
be sunny again. Seattle however, will continue to exist in its gloomy
winter dampness. But you know what? I really miss that gloomy winter
dampness. I miss the snow in the mountains. I miss dark rainy
afternoons, curled up on the couch with a good book (or my knitting).
I miss Christmas shopping downtown. I miss rainy days running between
stores at University Village. I miss Wallingford and Fremont and
Ballard and their neighborhood shops. I miss good yarn stores. I miss
my friends. I've been working on my fellowship applications all day,
trying to figure out what I need to say to convince the people at
University of Washington to take me. I'm so homesick, I don't even
really like being a doctor right now. I'm sure I will survive the next
20 months, but it would be much easier to make it through if I knew I
got to go back to Seattle after all of this. I miss home.


lola coca-cola said...

You know, we actually LIKE you here, so it can't be too bad, right?

Noel Hastings said...

Seattle would be HAPPY to see you back again!