Saturday, November 15, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 15--Post-Call Baking

I do have more past adventures to share, but now that I'm back to the painful work of inpatient medicine, I'm too tired. Last night started out fine, only a few admissions, things were quiet. But then it all got a little crazy. While I was interviewing a very nice man in the ED, they brought in another gentleman, who sat down and proceded to have a massive heart attack. My poor patient was a bit concerned, "do you need to go help them?" he asked. I looked over, and as anyone who has ever attended a code knows, there was a massive group of people surrounding the man--doing chest compressions, putting in lines, hooking up monitors, pushing meds. So no, I didn't need to help. I think the gentleman must have died 4 or 5 times, but they kept bringing him back and eventually got him to the cath lab. Last I heard, he survived the procedure and was awake and talking. My patient however, remains a mystery. A very nice man, but as you talk to him, you realize he's not making any sense. He's not answer questions correctly. He can't explain what is going on. And he got worse and worse while we were talking, eventually reaching a point where he would only speak Spanish and wouldn't follow commands. But this morning, he was back to his cheerful chatty self. Hopefully we'll figure out what is going on with him...

So with all that excitement, I only got a few hours sleep. Which means when I got home today, there was only one thing to do--bake a cake. We're having a pho party tonight (I'm not cooking pho, I'm leaving that to the Asians in the group). I am making the communal birthday cake (there were 2 b-days in our group this last week). I *love* baking. I enjoy it more than cooking, but I can't do it very often. I have a tendency to eat all of whatever I bake. Luckily there are occasions such as the pho party that allow me to bake for groups. And my friends are always so nice to compliment whatever I bake, no matter how poorly it turns out.

It's not pretty, in fact it looks as though it has been through an earthquake:

But I think I should get some credit for attempting a German chocolate cake from scratch! Here's hoping it tastes good.

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