Friday, November 7, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 7--Too Tired for Glacier

Today's plan was to tell you about my final road trip of my WWAMI adventure, the drive through Glacier National Park. But I am le tired, so perhaps later this weekend?

Tomorrow Adam and I are taking a little road trip of our own to Julian, where we will go hiking and eat apple pie. Then some friends are coming over for a night of board games and cake. I had to bribe them all with cake. I can't say I blame them. If someone asked you if you wanted to spend your Saturday night playing board games, would you do it if there weren't any cake?

You may notice the latest addition to my blog, the widget to your right. Now I can spy on you all and tell who has been reading my blog. Kind of. It doesn't really tell me who you are, just where you came from. I had been using google analytics, but I always forget to check it. It's nice to know people love me.

So stay tuned for this weekends adventure. I'm hoping to find real fall in Julian, instead of this half-assed fall San Diego is trying to pull-off.

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