Wednesday, November 26, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 26--Traditions

Now don't get me wrong, with my last, oh woe is me post. I'm still excited about Thanksgiving. Adam's making the turkey and apple pie. I'm making a whole collection of other things, including the pumpkin bread that is baking right now. The fact that I have to work in the morning sucks, but it could suck worse. I could be one of the patients in the hospital and have to eat the VA's version of turkey. And as Adam has pointed out to me, as we get older, our memories of what holidays were in the past get harder and harder to recreate. And that is ok, we just need to start creating our own holiday traditions. We'll figure those out. For instance, Adam needs soup on Thanksgiving because that is something his family always had. I need cranberries made from scratch because one year long ago I realized those were ridiculously easy to make, and I decided to make them every year. At Christmas, Adam needs his blue sweatshirt and Christmas socks for Christmas morning. I need corn souffle for dinner (pronounced soo-full for those not familar with the traditional Tylee family dish) and cranberry nut bread with coffee for opening presents on Christmas morning. I need molasses sugar cookies and Russian tea cakes and oatmeal coconut crisps. I need mom to teach me how to make fudge (hi mom!). I'm sure we'll figure things out as we go along and come up with our own blend of the Tylee-Silberfein holiday traditions. As long as those traditions don't involve me regularly working on the holidays, it will be great.

1 comment:

Ginna said...

Hi Tracy,
Now that you have the visitors' widget, I can't lurk secretly here anymore!

I just got my replacement copy of (grandma's) 1950 Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook and think I will send you kids each a copy (tell me quick if you already have it). It has all of the basic recipes from my childhood (and yours)including "gingies," molasses sugar cookies, Russian tea cakes and snickerdoodles. I look forward to holiday baking this year. As soon as my supplies come from Germany (marshmallow cream, chocolate chips, corn syrup, etc), I will let you know how the fudge turns out--and if successful, will pass along the recipe to you.
Sounds like you had a wonderful dinner--we ate Chinese food (the traditional turkey dinner scheduled in a couple of weeks).
btw, I like what Adam said about starting new traditions. He is right.
Your puppy supplies went out in the mail yesterday.