Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 25--Holidays

I have fond memories of the holidays from my childhood. I love the days where you get out of bed, stay in your PJ's for the entire morning, cooking and baking, with the smells of turkey and pumpkin pie filling the house. The last three years I've missed that. I think I've worked every holiday since I've been here. And even last year's Christmas, when my family was here and we had a big dinner with friends, which great, wasn't the same since I was at the hospital until noon. I didn't get to spend the morning in my PJ's, opening presents, eating cranberry bread, and drinking coffee. We're doing Thanksgiving on our own this year, and Christmas with Adam's brother (I think). I'm sure we'll have a great time but I miss the days of having the whole family gathered around the table. Being an adult is hard.

I'm going to watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Special now. And put together my Thanksgiving Day Spreadsheet. How's that for holiday tradition?

1 comment:

lola coca-cola said...

You guys are welcome here if you want...it's just going to be us, my mom and her gf, and one of Larry's co-workers. Plenty of room at the table...