Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 18--Work

I'm at the VA hospital this month, and our call schedule there is a little different. Normally when we are on-call, we admit patients every 4th or 5th day. On those days we stay at the hospital overnight, get a few hours of sleep, work half of the next day, and come home and sleep the rest of that day. At the VA however, they have decided that the resident should not stay overnight (it's one of the creative ways they have of dealing with resident work hour limits). So today, I got to work at 7 am and left work at 10 pm. Because even though I don't spend the night, I still have to do all the work I would have done if I were spending the night. And even better! Tomorrow I go back to work in the morning, and instead of sleeping, I have to go to clinic in the afternoon! I'm not a big fan of this schedule. Thus, I'm too tired to write more. I'm going to eat my grilled cheese sandwich (which always makes me happy) and go to bed. But I will leave you with this:

PUPPIES! Our puppy was born today. We get to take him home in 8-10 weeks. I want to name him Milo. I don't know what Adam's name de jour is.

1 comment:

Shell said...

OMG, puppies!!!!!!!!!!!