Hope everyone has a wonderful New Years. Here's to 2008!
I work. A lot. And sometimes I have free time. This is how I keep my family up to date on what I do with that free time.
I almost turned on the heat last night, it has been getting chilly
here once the sun goes down. Instead I put on 2 sweaters and my
slippers. Hopefully that's as far as it will go. Once I have to put on
a hat or mittens while in-doors, the heat must go on.
That's all I've got. Do not fear, NaBloPoMo is almost over. Then it
will be back to my occasional, rather than daily posting. Not that I
can promise that will be any more interesting.
But for me, all three make the most perfect meal. I give you pumpkin waffles with fresh whipped cream and maple syrup. Yum.
It's a nice living room, very bright and sunny. And yes, we finally bought a television. I've become a big fan of PBS in HDTV. This week I've learned about the building of the St. Louis arch, Mark Twain and traveling in Amsterdam. Gotta love public television.
Upstairs we have two rooms--the bedroom and Adam's office/my yarn and book storage room. And an interesting consequence of building a house on a hill, our garage. Enjoy a slide show of our lovely house:
In addition to cleaning, we visited the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla and attempted to attend a free concert downtown. The Flaming Lips were playing. The show was sponsored by Southern Comfort, and there was no charge for admission. We failed to predict that a free concert = lots and lots of people and ended up watching the early part of the show from the parking lot. Eventually though, enough people left that we were able to get in. Although a large part of the portion was the lead singer professing his distaste for the Bush administration, the music was good and certainly can't complain about free concert!
The amphitheater. If you had the ability to magnify the picture, you'd see the HOLLYWOOD sign up there in the right middle, on that distant hill.
This is a picture of the audience after the band asked everyone to pull out their cell phones and wave them around as if they were waving around lighters. The effect was pretty cool (or silly as Adam put it) but the picture doesn't really capture it. I think the band was having as much, if not more, fun as everyone at the show.
UPDATE: someone got video of the cell phone thing. It's actually the entire encore, when they seemed to be having a great deal of fun. Cell phone thing is about 4 minutes in.
A few You Tube links to songs from the show (I did take some video but it's not worth trying to figure out how to get it online because it's just not that good):
Plus more at You Tube